
Is Dick’s Offering a Solution or Just Making a PR Move?
Is Dick’s Offering a Solution or Just Making a PR Move?
Is Dick’s Offering a Solution or Just Making a PR Move?
If this feels like history repeating itself it's because it is. Remember when Dick's Sporting Goods vowed to ban the sales of AR variant rifles after the Sandy Hook massacre? I hate to be pessimistic or insensitive but are these retail chains really offering a solution or is this all just good public relations work? Recently, in response from to the latest shooting in Florida, Dick's Sporting Goods has publicly announced that they will stop selling AR Variant rifles in their stores. Wal-Mart has also joined in with a similar policy. If it seems like you're getting deja vu it's because we've heard this all before. If this feels like history repeating itself it's because it is. Remember when Dick's Sporting Goods vowed to ban the sales of AR variant rifles after the Sandy Hook massacre? I hate to be pessimistic or insensitive but are these retail chains really offering a solution or is this all just good public relations work? Recently, in response from to the latest shooting in Florida, Dick's Sporting Goods has publicly announced that they will stop selling AR Variant rifles in their stores. Wal-Mart has also joined in with a similar policy. If it seems like you're getting deja vu it's because we've heard this all before.
BLACK Friday AND BLUE Saturday
BLACK Friday AND BLUE Saturday
BLACK Friday AND BLUE Saturday
Well there it went, just another crazy day for people to shop and save some cash. Hopefully those of you who did go out got some great deals and didn't get into any fights. As it turns out, one of the favorite places to start a fight was in the Walmarts across the country...