Are Undercover Police Cars Illegal in New York?Are Undercover Police Cars Illegal in New York?Can you get pulled over for a traffic violation by an unmarked police car in New York State?CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre
Are Drivers that Drive Around Like This Breaking the Law in New York?Are Drivers that Drive Around Like This Breaking the Law in New York?When you get behind the wheel of your car or truck there are hundreds of reasons the police could pull you over, but is this one of them?CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre
Myths? Is It Legal to Have Your Tires Chalked in New York State?Myths? Is It Legal to Have Your Tires Chalked in New York State?It is legal to have your tires chalked by the police in New York State? A recent case in another state deemed it to be unconstitutional. What does it mean to chalk your tires, and does it hurt your tires? BrandiBrandi