Why You Need to Eat an Apple at 2 P.M. This Thursday
The Big Apple Crunch Challenge is about to hit New York State.
The Hudson Valley appreciates apples probably more than anywhere else. It's borderline sacrilegious to not like apples and live in this area! So it should be no problem for the Hudson Valley to participate in the Big Apple Crunch Challenge.
According to My Twin Tiers, the Big Apple Crunch Challenge is part of the 8th annual Big Apple Crunch. The Big Apple Crunch is a movement put on by the New York Apple Association and FarmOn!. This is to promote and celebrate New York State grown apples.
The Big Apple Crunch Challenge is simply asking New Yorkers to all crunch into an apple on Thursday, October 22, at 2 p.m. According to My Twin Tiers, anyone can participate and people are encouraged to post videos or pictures of their participation. You should use hashtags #HowBigIsYourBite, #BigAppleCrunch, and #FarmOnBite.
According to My Twin Tiers, the New York State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball said, “The Big Apple Crunch is a fun way to recognize the contributions of New York agriculture and our farmers who produce our food. New York’s apple industry is a vital part of our economy and our farmers grow the most varieties of apples than any other state."
If you're worried about where to get the best New York State grown apple, you really can't go wrong with any orchard in the Hudson Valley. Some of my favorites are Barton Orchards, Crist Orchards, and Wright's Farms.
Happy crunching!
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