Ever wonder where the perfect wooded area is to film a horror movie in the Hudson Valley?

There are a lot of beautiful areas in the Hudson Valley since it's filled with vast amount of lands, rivers, lakes , other bodies of water and small towns. However, when the night comes in they all make the perfect spots for a scary movie film. Anywhere that has a lot of land and it's spread out makes a great potential setting for a horror movie.

Remember the popular 1999 movie 'The Blair Witch Project'? It was about teenagers in the woods and was filmed in a wooded area, when it hit the theaters it terrified people with how real it seemed. People still talk about it and because of how real it seemed it's known as one of the scariest movies of all time. It was recently reported that a reboot of the classic film is in the works, but details are pretty hush hush about it.

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With the news out about the new movie, it made me start to wonder, if a scary movie was going to be filmed in the Hudson Valley similar to the 'The Blair Witch Project', where would be the perfect wooded area to film it in? Would the perfect wooded area be in Dutchess, Ulster, Orange or Sullivan County? Maybe the Hudson Valley could be in the third Blair Witch reboot or the setting of another horror movie?

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I posted the question on the station's social media page and you all wrote in some pretty interesting answers for the best spots. Don't let the daylight fool you, these spots are very spooky when night rolls around:

Best Wooded Area to Film a Horror Movie in the Hudson Valley

Ever wonder where the perfect woods in the Hudson Valley would be to film a scary movie in? Here are the best choices according to Hudson Vally residents:

Gallery Credit: Google Maps

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