Do you want to be a Social Media Evaluator? That is the job posted on Hudson Valley Craigslist. The poster is a company called Appen and they are looking to hire anyone that is over the age of 18 with no limits for residents 55 and up. This is a work from home type job that requires you to have your own computer or smart phone.

According to their post, hours are part-time requiring 1-4 hours per day up to 20 hrs per week. This could be an opportunity for anyone that prefers not to leave home and spends up to 20 hours a week swiping their phones in the necessary direction.

You also get to anonymously judge the quality of content in your local area. Judging people is so common that it should be considered one of America's Past Times. Does this sound like the dream part time job you are looking for? You can view the original job posting on Hudson Valley Craigslist by clicking here.