You’ll Never Guess Why I’m Smiling So Hard
If you just met two little doggies and they instantly climb onto your lap you'd be smiling too! That is, of course, if you're a human who likes dogs. Full disclosure, I'm one of those humans that love dogs. Two years ago I adopted a beagle mix from The Dutchess County SPCA right here in Poughkeepsie. His name is Duggar and he's my best friend. I'm sure I'll blog about him more later but for now let's focus on the puppies at hand.
Since I am unable to care for more than one dog I decided the next best thing I could do is volunteer at The SPCA. I didn't know how to go about it so I went down there and asked the friendly staff. They told me to come to a volunteer orientation and from there I've been mentoring with other experienced volunteers.
There are so many ways you can help the SPCA as a volunteer. If you're interested in smiling as much as I do, visit their website for more details on how you can help The Dutchess County SPCA.