This weeks edition of Brandi's Future Husband features a gentleman who is:

  • Determined
  • Has time on his hands
  • Not afraid to work hard

My sweetie this week is named Andy George and he is the host of the video series “How To Make Everything”. He has several projects that have been featured on his series, but the one that got my attention involves him spending the the last six months and $1,500 of his own money to make every single element that goes into a chicken sandwich from scratch.
Why did Andy want to do all of this? According to, he was making a statement about the things we take for granted everyday. To make this happen, he grew his own vegetables, made salt from ocean water, milked a cow to get the milk to make the cheese, ground flour from wheat for the bread, collected the honey, and even killed a chicken, all himself as a challenge to make many every day items we take for granted from scratch.

After all that, how did the sandwich taste? He said is was "not bad”.