It's almost swim season in the Hudson Valley, but it's not all fun and games. In fact, one of the largest and most painful bugs in the entire country might be waiting for you when you pull back the pool cover for the first time.

There's countless wild animals in New York state that most residents would prefer to avoid. From grocery-stealing black bears to the reptiles that can take off your finger while they mate, not every one of nature's creatures wants to be cuddled. The same seems to be true for the absolute unit of a bug that seems to love local pools.

Giant water bugs have some of the most painful bites in the insect kingdom... and one could be waiting for you in your backyard pool
Giant water bugs have some of the most painful bites in the insect kingdom... and one could be waiting for you in your backyard pool (ViniSouza128/Canva)

Giant Water Bugs Returning to the Hudson Valley, NY

Last year, Ulster County residents learned a new vocabulary word after a woman in Saugerties, NY found a very scary-looking insect while they prepped their pool for the season (below). The creature, Lethocerus americanus, AKA the Giant Water Bug, has also adopted a less-than-awesome nickname: toe-biter.

An animal with one of the most painful bites in the insect kingdom could be lurking in your backyard pool
An animal with one of the most painful bites in the insect kingdom could be lurking in your backyard pool (Nadina Marie via Facebook)

Giant Water Bugs in the Hudson Valley, NY

While they are not invasive, the giant water bug can still pose a threat to Hudson Valley residents. With nicknames like "toe-biter" and "fish-killer", it should come as no surprise that the insect comes equipped with massive pincers, and often doesn't discriminate who it uses them on. From the National Parks Service:

Giant water bugs can deliver a painful (though nontoxic) bite between the toes of unsuspecting human feet. This explains one of their common names: toe-biter

Many lifelong Hudson Valley residents, including the Saugerties family who discovered the bug in question, had never encountered a giant water bug before. These behemoths can grow over 4 inches long, and while they are not naturally aggressive, their bites are considered one of the most painful in the insect kingdom. Check out more bug neighbors below.

These 10 Bugs Found In New York Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

Plants That Deter Mosquitoes and Other Bugs