This weeks edition of Brandi's Future Husband brings us fairly close to home. Bethel, NY, is where Brandi's possible future husband resides. The reason he has come to her attention? He has been in court lately. He has been fighting for his right to fertilize his crops. (Ok, people, keep it clean. It's not what you think!). For years, Peter Hofstee had been using liquid duck manure to fertilize his crops. But this year, his supplier had an issue and was not able to supply him with this liquid duck manure. So what did he do? (No, I did not say do-do!) Peter found another source of natural fertilizer, crushed up egg shells. 

The only problem with the egg shells, is that Peter needed them in such a large quantity that neighbors started to notice a foul odor near his farm. On a breezy day, even more neighbors noticed it. They also started noticing more flies in the area too. So his neighbors (a distillery and a restaurant) took Peter to court. 

What did the judge say? Well, unfortunately, Peter has to stop using the egg shells and look for another form of fertilizer. Will his crops be able to grow and mature? Or will this stinky situation keep Brandi from finding her true love?