A collective sigh of disgust sweeps the Hudson Valley as more snow is in the forecast for tonight. But, finally some decent news as the National Weather Service predicts we're only going to get 1-2 inches by noon tomorrow. That is a far cry from the recent blizzard-like conditions we've been subjected to.

If there are any delays and closures, you can tune in to WRRV for the latest or simply visit the Closing and Delay portion of the website. The WRRV Snow Desk goes into operation even if there's a chance of weather related issues so we've got you covered.

I think we're all getting to a point where we're ready for spring, but we may as well make the most of what remains of winter. The other day we posted a list of all the great sledding spots in the Hudson Valley.

And if you are going out to shovel, make sure you stretch and use proper technique (like the WRRV interns).