"Don't Call It a Sum-Back"

Not just a catchy title. Sum 41 is finally all the way back, kicking ass and taking names. They made an appearance on the Vans Warped Tour this summer and immediately jumped into their own headlining set of dates.

There's been a ton of stuff that has gone on with the band. Lead singer Deryck has had a ton of stuff go on, members from the band have come and gone.....but it would seem that the boys are finally all back on the same page. They've got some new, angrier flavor to them as well. They're still goofy, but there sure do seem pretty pissed sometimes.

If you want to catch the Sum 41 tour locally, they're going to be hitting the Playstation Theater in NYC on October 14th. Tickets are about $25 bucks and they've got 2 really good openers playing for them.

Listen, they're a core WRRV artist and I'm stupid happy they're back. Go see them!

Senses Fail

As It Is