A little while ago, a friend of mine approached me on social media, telling me that I needed to check out a short film that had been somewhat sourced on Reddit. He told me he had been conversing with the director and that the writer was the writer of the new "Doctor Strange" movie. He told me it was right in my wheelhouse and that it was 6 minutes of my life that I'd really appreciate. I begrudgingly agreed.

6 minutes and 27 seconds later, i DESPERATELY needed this short film to be a full length movie.

"As They Continue To Fall" is about an angel hunter. That's literally all I'm going to tell you. Because you need to watch this short film. It's genius.

I'm such a fan of darker films in the spiritual realm. One of my favorites is "Constantine". I'm a HUGE fan of that movie, and I wish the show had carried the same flavor. "Supernatural" is in that same vein, except there's more of a comedy vibe sometimes and the obvious teenage heart throb thing is pretty strong. "Legion". "Hellboy". Freaking love them.

THIS SHORT. Could be a HUGE hit. It's visceral, with a quiet brutality. In 6 minutes you NEED to know more about the main character. You NEED to see how his life turned and brought him to wear he is. How does this end? How does he find them?

Seriously. Please watch it. You won't regret it.