Ah, Netflix. You tantalize me with new additions every month, and yet I burn right through them in about 72 hours and have to wait another 15 months for the next season to drop. It's a gigantic, never-ending tease. On one hand, it serves my intense need for immediate gratification, and then tortures me for months with the same issue.

So, inevitably, I turn to old favorites on the site. There's some shows I simply can't watch anymore (Chuck) and there's other shows that once I see, I have no desire to see again (House of Cards). However, there are those few gems that I can continuously stream and enjoy them over and over again.

So my all time, totally rewatchable favorite on Netflix is : 30 Rock!
There is something about that show that never fails to make me laugh. The genius interplay between the characters, the jokes, the story lines. It kills me. Every. Single. Time.

Just the dialogue between Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey is enough to keep me rewatching the series forever.

So, lemme know in case I need something new to watch. What's your favorite show to rewatch on Netflix?