Nearly 130,000 pages of declassified Air Force documents have found their way to their world wide web. CNN reports the collection of documents entitled The Project Blue Book surfaced on UFO enthusiast John Greenewald's online database The Black Vault after years of requests for files under the Freedom of Information Act. The documents which date back to the 1940's are a collaboration of documents from several official investigations by the United States Government into U.F.O's (unidentified flying objects). Below are just a few pages from the over 100-thousand documents released.

According to CNN the review found that none of the reports concluded a threat...

 "reported, investigated and evaluated" ever gave "any indication of threat to our national security." Nor did the investigations suggest that the sightings "represent technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge."

CNN added that a 1985 Wright-Patterson fact sheet also noted that,

"Since Project BLUE BOOK was closed, nothing has happened to indicate that the Air Force ought to resume investigating UFOs."

Regardless of the Military's "official" stance the public tends to have it's own opinion on whether "we're alone". As you may or may not recall the Hudson Valley is no stranger to UFO activity. Back in 1982 just after mid-night on January 1st a retired policeman sitting in his backyard in Kent, N.Y. saw a strange array of lights. The rainbow colored lights filled the sky that New Years day and made history in the Hudson Valley. The report would not be the last and in 1983 the account made headlines in the local paper and later that year a book would be released that would draw national attention to the Hudson Valley, "Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings". I've tried to scan through some of the 130,000 pages in hopes of finding some accounts of our Hudson Valley extraterrestrials but unfortunately project Blue Book was shut down in 1969...well before the 1980's sightings in the Hudson Valley. Feel free to comb through the pages for yourself for a mention of the Hudson Valley but keep an eye out for more than the 1982 sighting. Kent is not the only location in the Hudson Valley that has been home to various sightings, in fact Pine Bush has been dubbed the UFO Capitol of New York and has had much attention from the government and the media over the years. Take a look at The Pine Bush Chronicles, a feature produced by Jim Freni a former Cablevision colleague of mine....The Pine Bush Chronicles takes an in depth look into reported sightings in the area and looks to find answers! Pretty convincing stuff i'll say...but what about you? Are we alone....