‘Back to the Future’ And More Screening Outdoors in Newburgh
A collection of movies will be shown outdoors on the lawn of the Washington Headquarters State Historic Site in Newburgh as part of the Liberty Street Film Series.
And the series is kicking off in style next week with one of my favorite movies of all time, 1985's Back to the Future. That screening will take place on Saturday, June 24th at 8:30 PM. There's a few dates set for the rest of the summer, but the films aren't locked into place yet. The ones they've talked about though are promising: Casablanca, Easy Rider, and Night of the Living Dead (I would most definitely have to make it out for that one).
And the best part? This event is totally free. A small group of volunteers have been working together to show the movies each month, promote community within the city of Newburgh, and show off the park space that has played such a significant role in history.
If this series is successful, the hope is to do it every summer, and I for one think it's a great idea. Seeing any of those movies with a large group of a people on a cool summer night sounds awesome. The other dates set aside are July 29th, August 26th, and September 30th, and I can't wait to see what they have in store.