Frühlingsfest Comes To The Hudson Valley
As a seasonal beer drinker, I'm all about festivals that celebrate the end of their fermentation. Oktoberfest is a common festival held every fall in Munich, Germany. It became a world wide celebration as its popularity grew over the past century. Frühlingsfest is virtually the same thing and takes place every year for two weeks between April and May.
With this event being much less crowded it becomes the perfect atmosphere for the whole family. Parents and children alike can enjoy the feel of Oktoberfest without the overwhelming crowds under each beer tent.
The Hudson Valley is not without its own version of Frühlingsfest. Schatzi's Beer Garden in Poughkeepie and New Paltz is holding a Maibok Fest showcasing a variety of beers which were brewed in autumn, barreled to lager throughout winter and tapped in the spring.
Hofbräu Maibock will be one of the beers showcased during Schatzi's Maibok Fest. It is considered one of the best creations from Hofbräu's brewery. Take your time with it though, its alcoholic content is nearly 7.2% so wait and see how you feel after your first liter.
Maibok Fest takes place Saturday, April 21 starting at noon. Bavarian cuisine with a twist can be enjoyed along with your new favorite spring concoction. You can find more information about Maibok Fest on Schatzi's Facebook Page.