This is a warning to the Hudson Valley, and New York State at large, as Halloween weekend kicks off you will notice extra police presence on roadways to prevent impaired and aggressive driving during the 'holiday' weekend.

Governor Hochul Announces Impaired and Reckless Driving Crack Down

Those traveling on New York State roadways between Friday October 27th and Tuesday October 31, 2023 will definitely see increased law enforcement that will be working to crack down on impaired and reckless driving as Halloween celebrations get into full swing.

New York State Police
New York State Police

Looking at the local events calendar for Halloween-related celebrations in the area this weekend, roads will be quite busy. Plus, the number of trick or treaters that will be out and about on our roadways on Halloween this Tuesday, it is imperative that we as motorists exercise extra caution in our travels.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported that due to the high number of impaired drivers on the roads on Halloween, it has been labeled a deadly night.

READ MORE: Popular Haunted House Returns to Barton Orchards

Halloween Crack Down Will Bring Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement Vehicles To Roads & Extra Checkpoints 

Governor Hochul reminds New Yorkers that a priority this weekend is to keep communities and celebrations safe and fun:

Together, we can ensure Halloween festivities stretching through Tuesday are safe and enjoyable by promoting responsible choices and raising awareness about the dangers of impaired driving. I thank the New York State Police and our local law enforcement for keeping our children, communities and celebrations safe and fun!

In addition to sobriety checkpoints and extra DWI patrols here in the Hudson Valley, you may also notice law enforcement on the lookout for cell phone and other electronic device use while behind the wheel. In addition to State Police Vehicles, the less 'visible' Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement (CITE) vehicles will be used for the enforcement.

Miami Police Erect DUI Checkpoints During Holiday Season
Getty Images

The Governor's Office also reports that 'State Police will also be targeting the illegal sale of alcohol to minors through underage drinker enforcement details statewide.'

Keeping New York Roadways Safe This Holiday Weekend

The Halloween Weekend Crack Down is not new, as New York State typically initiates these types of initiatives for major holiday weekends, travel, and celebrations.

Reports from last year's initiative indicate that there were 1,006 accidents, 109 personal injury crashes and three fatalities in NY. It was also reported that a total of 11,601 tickets were issued, with a total of 189 arrests for DWI.

Miami Police Erect DUI Checkpoints During Holiday Season
Joe Raedle

New York State residents are encouraged to use ride share programs, public transportation or designated drivers if consuming alcohol, and if you see a drunk driver on the road, to contact law enforcement.

Most Dangerous Hour, Day, Month To Drive In New York State

We've learned the most dangerous month, day, and hour to drive in New York State. You may want to stay off the roads during these times. 

Super Bowl DWI Arrests in New York State By Region

The Hudson Valley topped a list of DWI arrests during Super Bowl weekend 2022.

Gallery Credit: Boris