If you just got hit by a car, your face might look like that, too. A red-tailed hawk is now safe after a scary collision in Upstate New York.


Tough Hawk

"On December 6th, Trooper Dustin Lewis and Trooper Travis Bauer assisted an injured [red-tailed] hawk that was struck by a car in the town of Verona", began a recent post from the New York State Police (NYSP). BY the look on its face, the hawk was just as surprised as the troopers to find itself cradled by a human instead of soaring in the sky. But there's good news...


The Fate of the Red-Tailed Hawk

"The hawk was brought to the Woodhaven Wildlife Center in Chadwicks, NY where he is being treated and cared for", the NYSP reported. They also shared an updated photo of the hawk (below) with a note saying, "We are happy to see that he is doing much better!"


Birds vs. Cars in the United States

Cars account for a staggering amount of bird deaths in the United States. Up to nearly 350 million birds are reportedly killed by motor vehicles in this country annually, although some studies report a much lower avian casualty number of roughly 89 million.

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Luckily, this New York hawk is in the caring hands of an animal rehabilitation center. These heroes work tireless year-round to help countless animals that wouldn't survive without their assistance. Check out some of the more spectacular Hudson Valley rescues below.

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