Mortal Kombat is one of the most controversial video games of all-time. Coming at a time when the mainstreaming of video games was reaching a new pinnacle and the capabilities of home systems allowed for much better, more realistic graphics, the creators of the game really pushed the limit of what would be allowed in a game that children would ostensibly be playing.

And perhaps the biggest example of that is the "Fatality," the finishing moves that everyone desperately wanted to learn. Legends formed around these things, because anything seemed possible; if Kano could rip someone's heart clean out of their chest, then of course whatever outlandish and insane Fatality that the kid on the playground claimed to have pulled off was real, right?

Well, you can now officially verify because this video, at one hour and forty five minutes (!) contains every single Fatality in every single MK game ever. Ever.

I know that I'm officially an old man because I'm watching this video of a video game I actually played as a kid, and I'm having trouble believing that anyone would allow this game to be made. Maybe society has changed my expectations of censorship and decency, or maybe I'm just ancient.

Either way, I have about an hour and twelve minutes of this video left to watch, so I've gotta get back to it.