Are you a Dr Pepper fan? Did you go through the last few years and wonder where your favorite soda had disappeared too? There were Dr Pepper shortages not just for the Hudson Valley but also for the entire nation.

What is your favorite flavor or version of Dr Pepper? Is it hard for you to find? The flavor that could be the newest is the Strawberries and Cream. Have you tried it? Apparently it is available in regular and zero-sugar. So where do you stand on Dr Pepper? Love it or pass?

When did Dr Pepper begin? What is its origin story?


According to the Dr Pepper website, the popular soda dates back to 1885 when it was first crafted at Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas. It was the owner of the drug store who came up with the name "Dr. Pepper." The Drug store owner named it after Dr. Charles Pepper, who was supposedly the father of a girl he was once in love with. Could he simply have been trying to soften up the Dad so he could date the daughter? 

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Read More: Is there a shortage of Dr Pepper? 

Dr Pepper Cream Soda is it the best cream soda?


If you have never had a cream soda, know that there isn't any cream in it. Think of cream soda as a more vanilla flavored soda, and the Dr Pepper version also has a touch of that familiar Dr Pepper punch.

Is the Strawberries & Cream Dr Pepper available in the Hudson Valley?


Yes, if you are looking for the new Strawberries & Cream version of Dr Pepper, you should be easily able to purchase it in the Hudson Valley without having to task yourself with calling on multiple stores.

Do you like your Dr Pepper in a can or in a bottle?


There are many options, enough for each Dr Pepper lover. Can's, bottles, regular and sugar-free, so many options!

Which is the best selling version of Dr Pepper?


Would you be surprised if I shared that the best selling version of Dr Pepper is the original? Well, it is.

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