May's Pokemon Go Community Day was may have been in the rain, but that didn't stop the masses from attending. This community day is turning into a monthly haven for Pokemon Go trainers and new players continue to join. With so many friendly resources at your disposal it's very easy for a new player to pick up the game right away and play with the 100 plus people all around them who are enjoying the same thing. Pretty cool if you ask me.

PokeMay Featured

The next community day is scheduled for Saturday, June 16th. If you're not going to mountain jam that day I invite you to come to this event. Larvitar is going to be the next Community Day Pokémon! The elusive rock and ground type Pokémon that evolves into Tyranitar, one of the best Pokémon to be introduced in all Pokémon generations, is going to be spawning like crazy during June’s Community Day!