What Happened to Marilyn Manson Yesterday?
According to Marilyn Manson's two most recent Instagram posts, the shock-rocker was handcuffed at some point yesterday. His first post was a distorted video clip of him smoking some sort of substance, which he captioned, "I don’t like the drugs..." Then, less than an hour later, he shared a separate clip of himself being handcuffed by someone who looks like a police officer.
But the cops like me... A post shared by Marilyn Manson (@marilynmanson) on
Turns out, it was just a troll job by Manson and the Bangor, Maine Police Department. Check out their Facebook post on the "arrest":
In the interest of saving us a whole lot of call-backs, Marilyn Manson was merely handcuffed and released immediately thereafter.
Officer Curtis Grenier, typically listening to only Enya, and a little bit of Oasis, was posted backstage during the Impact Music Festival. He did not recognize Mr. Manson without his stage makeup- our apologies.
Later, when approaching Rob Zombie, Officer Grenier was overheard saying, "I have never seen him in the Walking Dead, so I don't know what the big deal is."
Grenier has been spoken to and relieved of back-stage concert related duties for the foreseeable future. The Chief has determined that Grenier can work backstage during Lord of the Dance or anything related to Disney.
Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's things alone, and be kind to one another.
We will be here.
With the Beautiful People.
Manson has had an eventful last few weeks. He was first in the news for inviting a fan onstage and then forcing them to take off their Avenged Sevenfold shirt. Then, late last week he canceled his Toronto, Ontario set just moments before he was supposed to go on. Things escalated when fan-filmed footage surfaced of the crowd's reaction, which was followed by Rob Zombie covering "Sweet Dreams" for any upset Manson fans.
The Evolution of Marilyn Manson Gallery
10 Times Marilyn Manson Outclassed Interviewers