New Foo Fighters Song ‘Run’ Debuts At #1
Every Friday at 5pm Simon counts down the top 5 most requested songs of the week with the WRRV Buzzcuts.
Things are starting to heat up musically just in time for a busy summer concert season. The new Foster The People 'Doing It For The Money' lands firmly in the number five position. Sir Sly and 'High' has been hanging around the countdown making its presence felt, this week it's number four overall. Brand new Muse dropped recently, 'Dig Down' is the lead single from their new album. Portugal the Man would be number one again had it not been for the release of a new song from The Foo Fighters. They're back to save rock and roll.
5. Foster The People 'Doing It For The Money'
4. Sir Sly 'High'
3. Muse 'Dig Down'
2. Portugal. The Man 'Feel It Still'
1. Foo Fighters 'Run'