Listen to the New Pornographers’ Title Track to ‘Whiteout Conditions’
In two weeks, the New Pornographers will release Whiteout Conditions. Today, they've given us a third preview of what to expect in the form of the title track, which can be streamed above.
Like most songs by the New Pornographers, "Whiteout Conditions" is an up-tempo track, with Carl Newman singing lead and harmonies on the chorus by Neko Case and Kathryn Calder. As they've done with the previous two songs, "High Ticket Attractions" and "This Is the World of the Theater," they're offering immediate downloads to all who pre-order the record.
Whiteout Conditions is the band's seventh record and first without Dan Bejar, who usually contributed three songs to each of their previous albums. It also marks the recorded debut of Joe Seiders, who took over the drum stool when original drummer Kurt Dahle left the group in 2014 following the release of Brill Bruisers.
On April 12, they'll begin a tour that will commence at the Theatre at Ace Hotel in Los Angeles and conclude on May 6 at Stubb's in Austin. Waxahatchee have been tapped as the opening act for all dates. The New Pornographers will also be performing a few dates in July supporting Spoon on that band's tour promoting the recently released Hot Thoughts. Check out the New Pornographers' website for full details.
Earlier this year, New Pornographers guitarist Todd Fancey put out his third solo album, a collection of tunes inspired by '70s soft rock. You can listen to "Dream All Night" and read our interview with him here.
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