‘Star Wars’ Director J.J. Abrams to Speak At Local College
J.J. Abrams, the director of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, two Star Trek movies, and godfather of every other nerdy thing that you love, is returning to his alma mater on Friday to give the commencement address for the graduating class of 2017.
Abrams will be speaking at Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers on Friday, May 19th. He graduated from the school in 1988 and started his film career during his senior year of school. That's when he and a friend wrote a treatment that was purchased by Disney, which ended up becoming the 1990 comedy Taking Care of Business with Jim Belushi.
Since graduating from school in the Hudson Valley, Abrams has become one of the biggest names in Hollywood. He's created or produced TV shows like Alias, Lost, and Westworld, and he's been involved in movies like Cloverfield and the Mission: Impossible series. His last movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, is one of the most successful movies ever.
It's pretty cool that someone who's achieved that level of success in Hollywood hasn't forgotten his Hudson Valley roots, and if I were graduating from Sarah Lawrence, I'd be flipping out. As it is, I'll probably just be standing outside with a sign that says "Put me in the next Star Wars movie." If he sees it, then he has to cast me. (Little-known Hollywood secret: that's a legally binding contract).