James Hetfield Has Been Writing ‘Lots of Music’ Since the Last Metallica TourJames Hetfield Has Been Writing ‘Lots of Music’ Since the Last Metallica TourJames Hetfield talks about time off between tours on the new Metallica Report podcast, including working on new music.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
The Guitar Hetfield Wants to Take With Him to the GraveThe Guitar Hetfield Wants to Take With Him to the Grave'It has definitely died a few times and come back to life,' says Hetfield of one of the guitars used on the new album.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Metallica’s James Hetfield Dressed as ‘Stranger Things’ Eddie Munson for HalloweenMetallica’s James Hetfield Dressed as ‘Stranger Things’ Eddie Munson for HalloweenWell done Papa Het.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
‘Stranger Things’ Eddie Munson Actor Meets Metallica at Lollapalooza‘Stranger Things’ Eddie Munson Actor Meets Metallica at LollapaloozaWorlds collided as Eddie Munson jammed with Metallica at Lollapalooza.Selena FragassiSelena Fragassi
Watch James Hetfield’s First Live Performance Post-RehabWatch James Hetfield’s First Live Performance Post-RehabJust Papa Het and a guitar.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Metallica’s James Hetfield Enters Rehab for Addiction TreatmentMetallica’s James Hetfield Enters Rehab for Addiction TreatmentWe're wishing you the best, Papa Het.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
James Hetfield Didn’t Need Acting Tips for Ted Bundy BiopicJames Hetfield Didn’t Need Acting Tips for Ted Bundy Biopic‘Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil And Vile’ star Zac Efron hails Metallica frontman’s talent.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
James Hetfield: Metallica Stray From Polarizing Topics of Religion + Politics, Aim to Connect With People InsteadJames Hetfield: Metallica Stray From Polarizing Topics of Religion + Politics, Aim to Connect With People InsteadJames Hetfield said that he would rather use lyrics to connect with people rather than divide them apart like religious and political topics have been lately.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
25 Hilariously Accurate Rock Star Look-Alikes25 Hilariously Accurate Rock Star Look-AlikesAre you seeing double? Take a look at some of the celebrity look-alikes of some of the top rock stars.Chad ChildersChad Childers
James Hetfield: Metallica Targeting Fall Release for New AlbumJames Hetfield: Metallica Targeting Fall Release for New AlbumJames Hetfield has revealed Metallica are hoping to release their long-awaited new album this fall.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita