The classic Jim Cameron film Titanic will return to theaters December 1st to mark its 20th anniversary. The exclusive partnership with AMC theaters means just two Hudson Valley theaters will be showing this limited engagement.
Jared Leto is like that one dude you date who’s kind of a hot mess. He’s really fun and spontaneous, and sure, okay, he really opens you up to new experiences but his sense of humor is weird as hell and he makes some questionable fashion choices. Let’s say the “you” in this scenario is Warner Bros., and you’ve grown a little weary of Leto’s dubious sense of mischief, and also a little tired of all your friends clowning on him on Twitter — so you float an idea that should appeal to his “free spirit”: An open relationship. He’s free to keep making his Joker movies, and you’re free to see other Jokers.
Every year, Forbes releases rankings of the highest-paid and highest-grossing actors around the world, but their most interesting list comes a little later in the year when the publication unveils their annual rundown of the most overpaid actors in Hollywood. Unsurprisingly, Johnny Depp’s name tops the list for the second year in a row — and yet, sadistic Hollywood executives just keep right on putting him and his big dumb hats in big budget blockbusters.
The one thing Hollywood loves more than biopics is literary adaptations, and when the two combine, it’s even better. Paramount recently acquired the rights to the book Sam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock ‘N’ Roll by Peter Guralnick, about the producer who launched the careers of artists like Elvis Presley, Ike Turner, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Johnny Cash. You might’ve heard of them. And who better than Leonardo DiCaprio himself to play the titular producer?