Weird Law: It’s Legal to Own a Cannon in New York? What?Weird Law: It’s Legal to Own a Cannon in New York? What?It apparently is legal to own a cannon in New York State. Where does one get a cannon and what do you do with it? BrandiBrandi
These Are The Only 3 Ways Around New York’s Tinted Window LawThese Are The Only 3 Ways Around New York’s Tinted Window LawHere are the only three ways around the New York Window Tint Law that went into effect 1/1/17. BrandiBrandi
March of 2020 Single Use Plastic Bag Ban Goes into EffectMarch of 2020 Single Use Plastic Bag Ban Goes into EffectGet used to keeping reusable bags in the car. You are really going to need them. BrandiBrandi
Here Are the Ways Around New York’s Tinted Window LawHere Are the Ways Around New York’s Tinted Window LawUpdate: Here are the ways around the New York Window Tint Law that went into effect 1/1/17. BrandiBrandi