Where There’s Dogs, There’s PJ
My passion for dogs is not a well kept secret. At the Dutchess County Fair there were PLENTY of canine companions to catch my eye and amaze me with their unique talents and just general dogness. Yes, I did just make up a word, I'm ok with it if you are.
The Canine Tent is usually my first stop after doing a basic lap around the fair. I like to check inside and find out what time the different demonstrations are. I managed to catch a simple display of dog agility as these furry little performers negotiate the weave poles.
A special Frisbee finale had this adorable and playful pup catching the aforementioned object in spectacular fashion. This was obviously a well trained animal who was used to this activity but you could tell he was having the time of his life. Sometimes I wish I could be as excited about ANYTHING as much as this dog was about his Frisbee.
I finished the day up with Dock Dogs. These were the heavy hitters of the diving community. Not only was I impressed the with amount of air these dogs achieved but I really enjoyed the smiling faces as admiring audience members watched with their friends an families. Dogs have always found a way to make my experience at The Dutchess County Fair unforgettable!