WRRV Sessions Two-Year Anniversary Show To Feature Mondo Cosmo
WRRV Sessions continues in the month of March with a special performance from Mondo Cosmo. This officially marks the two year anniversary since the birth of Sessions at Newburgh Brewing Company.
Join us Wednesday March 29th for a free show, it's open to the public folks. Let's show Mondo Cosmo a very special welcome to the Hudson Valley. Doors will open at 4 P.M., with the performance at 6. The band will be opening up on Bastille tour and have kindly given up a night off to play some music for us. Anyone heading to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn the following night will get a chance to see a full set from Mondo too.
I'll be broadcasting live all afternoon starting at 3 P.M. so you can listen in as we warm up for the gig. The performance itself will stream live at 6 give or take a few minutes.
WRRV would like to thank Ballentine Communcations for providing the sound, Healey Brothers for being great partners and Newburgh Brewing Company for being great hosts!