Yesterday was the kick-off for Real Men Wear Pink. Every dollar raised helps the American Cancer Society save lives from breast cancer by funding innovative breast cancer research; providing education and guidance to help people reduce their risk; and offering comprehensive patient support to those who need it most so that no one faces breast cancer alone.

The American Cancer Society is the leading breast cancer fight in the 21st century, and their commitment to creating a future free from the threat of breast cancer runs deep, but the fight can't be done alone. Hence why they engage community leaders and influencers to help eliminate breast cancer through the nationwide Real Men Wear Pink Campaign.

There are 22 RMWP Ambassadors in the Hudson Valley in which you can check out. I still need to update my profile. Apparently I'm the newest to the bunch since I just got signed up this week, jus tin time for the kick off that was just last night. It was through meeting Kristi Greco that I became aware of this awesome opportunity. We had Kristi, who is the Senior Development Manager of the American Cancer Society's Hudson Valley Chapter, on an episode of IN Touch discussing Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the importance of screenings, and upcoming events.

These ambassadors are already hard at work. Before the month even officially kicked off, at the time of writing this article, $79,518 has been raised from the Hudson Valley Chapter alone. I have a lot of work to do to keep up with everyone!

Last night was their kickoff to Real Men Wear Pink at Angry Orchards in Walden, New York. I was wondering why the kickoff was on the Wednesday before October officially started, but as my girlfriend reminded me, on Wednesday's we wear pink.

I snapped a few pics of the gorgeous landscape, along with some moments from the event. You can check them out below. We also have the IN Touch Episode with Kristi Greco from last Sunday. It was a great discussion and I recommend checking it out! I have a lot to say about my reasons to be apart of this, but I'll get more into that as the month goes on. I'll be wearing my pink each day! Follow along with my Real Men Wear Pink journey under the IN Touch tag on the Townsquare Media site you are reading this on, and please consider donating to my campaign.

Real Men Wear Pink 2022 Kick Off at Angry Orchards for the ACS

It's an honor to be a Real Men Wear Pink Ambassador for the American Cancer Society and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Follow my journey throughout October.

New York Landmarks Light Up in Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Bridges and landmarks light up in pink all across New York state for Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Potential Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found in New York Drinking Water