Music News

Sarah's Mountain Jam Pics
Sarah's Mountain Jam Pics
Sarah's Mountain Jam Pics
I know you love to travel along with me for my adventures so lets hit the road again. This time we head to Mountain Jam 2016.
Spring for Sound
Spring for Sound
Spring for Sound
A sleepy little town is holding one of the best underground music festivals and you're in luck because it's held right here in the Hudson Valley.
Elle King Goes Country?!?
Elle King Goes Country?!?
Elle King Goes Country?!?
Ok so many the pop/rock/alternative diva isn't really going country per say but there's a single floating around that make me think...hey this should be on the Wolf.
Smashing Pumpkins in New York
Smashing Pumpkins in New York
Smashing Pumpkins in New York
The Smashing Pumpkins are set to play a few gigs next month in New York. Tickets are on-sale now for the band's Plainsong tour which will span 15 states across the United States this spring. Three of their twenty shows will be right here in New York at the Beacon theater April 4th, 5th and 6th...
Constellation Named for David Bowie
Constellation Named for David Bowie
Constellation Named for David Bowie
There are many ways to honor ones memory but here's one thats outta this world! According to a new constellation in the shape of a lightening bolt has been registered for the late, great artist. EarthSky says the story was picked up on from an piece originally done by Rolling Stone Magazine called Stardust Memories...

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