A Number Of Hudson Valley Bridges ‘Functionally Obsolete’
A new report states the Hudson Valley has a number of functionally obsolete bridges that will need work in the near future. Ulster County is third in all of New York state with 46 such bridges. New York City is in the worst shape with 86.
The amount of money needed to repair each of the bridges that need work in New York is staggering. More than $20 billion is needed to repair each bridge in New York City alone, while the Hudson Valley is second in needed work with $1.27 billion.But who pays for all the work? There is federal funding involved, but a lot of the responsibility falls on the local communities.
It goes without saying that without constant maintenance the condition of the bridges will continue to deteriorate. According to the New York State Department of Transportation, a 'functionally obsolete' bridge is still safe to drive over but lacks the features needed for increased volume of cars. The bridge may have narrow lanes, no shoulders or low clearance.
Bonus Video: Hudson Valley Halloween Decorations