I like to think of myself as a smart bargain shopper - I always scan the ads for the best deals, wait for things to go on sale, price match when it is offered, and yes, I even coupon (#noshame).  All of this seems to go away when Prime Day rolls around and I start 'adding to cart' like a boss, or even worse, hit that 'buy now with 1 click' without even thinking twice.

Did I NEED any of the assorted things i've ordered over the past 30 hours or so - NO!

Did I still manage to put a ton of charges on my Amazon credit card - YES!

But Val, maybe you scored some great deals on things you really do need....sadly, wrong again.

What will be appearing on my front steps over the next few days, let's take a look (and thank you to all the delivery people who have to deal with these crazy packages, we appreciate you):

  • a stuffed animal that turns into a kids sweatshirt, and it even has ears (a bday present for my daughter that i'll totally forget about and not give to her)
  • protein shakes (to add to the collection I already have and don't drink)
  • a motivational book for kick-ass women (the last one I bought I started to read and left on the deck in the rain...oops.  Big shout-out to a good pal for hooking me up with another copy)
  • an Echo Dot for upstairs so I can stream WRRV from another room in my house - do you have us enabled? I'll go ahead and say this one was a top-notch purchase, and most definitely needed :)

What can't you wait to be delivered this week?  Did you make any Prime Day purchases that were oh so unnecessary?