This weekend you can expect some amazing football match ups. One in particular will have you on the edge of your seat and I'm not talking about the Giants/Cowboys match up.

This Saturday the Black Knights of West Point will be taking on the Navy Midshipmen in Maryland for the annual Army/Navy game, Americas Game. I was lucky enough to catch an Army football game earlier this season and I noticed that they had some pretty great videos playing throughout the game to pump up the cadets. The Cadets got a kick out of seeing their classmates take on completely different roles than they're used to seeing.

Well, they're taking their video editing and acting chops to social media for a little smack talk. The Black Knights athletic department is having a good time getting in the Army/Navy spirit, check it out:


This one is probably my favorite:

Army takes on Navy this Saturday, December 10th in Baltimore, Maryland at 3pm on CBS.