Brandi’s Future Husband Reunites “Family”
This weeks edition of Brandi's Future Husband is all about one man helping to reunite a family, including one with four legs.
My future sweetheart is from Nebraska, his name,Jimmy Dimmit. He heard about one family's tragic separation and decided to help out.
Dani and Jason Windham were getting ready for their Aug. 4 wedding in Nebraska when their three dogs knocked down a fence and ran. They were able to find the other two, but not Koda. Just a week later, the
Windhams moved to Camp Verde, Arizona.Then Koda was found after a farmer reported a dog chasing his cattle. This was roughly 40 miles away from where she helped to knock down that fence.
The Windhams couldn't afford to fly her back, so a lost pets group in Nebraska put out a call for help. That is when my potential future sweetie answered the call for help. Truck driver Jimmy Dimmit answered. Jimmy took the lost 95-pound bull mastiff on a 1,380-mile trip back to her owners in Arizona. Koda got to ride in the front seat during the 24-hour drive.