David Bowies last will and testament has been made public.

According to The New York Times the 20 page document prepared in 2004 dictates that his ashes be scarred in Bali and that his nearly $100 million dollar estate be divided amongst family, this personal assistant and his former nanny.

The legal document prepared in 2004 actually has no mention of David Bowie whose given name is David Robert Jones. The document itself reads “Last Will and Testament of David R. Jones.” as "David Bowie" never legally changed him name.

The Times states the nearly $100 million dollar estate will be bequeathed to his widow Iman Abdulmajid Jones, their daughter Alexandria Zahra Jones, his son from a previous marriage, Duncan Jones, his longtime personal assistant Corinne "Coco" Schwab and his former nanny Marion Skene. The bulk of the estate including Bowies Ulster County home was left to his family. For a full break down of how the estate was divided check out the full Times article.

The will also requests that his body be shipped to Bali and that he be cremated in accordance with Buddhist rituals. According to The Guardian his family has followed through with his those wishes reporting that his ashes were scattered following a Buddhist ceremony in Bali earlier this month.