Check to See if There Has Been a Safety Recall on Your Car
You might be heading out on a summer road trip, have you checked the fluids in the car? Checked the air in your tires? Maybe even gotten an oil change?
What about checking to see if your car has had a recall on it? Didn't think about that did you? The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has a website where you can check to see if there has been a safety recall on your automobile. The website is Safercar.Gov.
Here is the checklist for you to do before you hit the road:
Perform a basic safety check.
Check for recalls.
Protect your passengers. All drivers and passengers should wear seat belts.
Share the road and stay alert! Warmer weather will attract different types of roadway users, including motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Without the protection of a car or truck, these road users are more vulnerable. So put a safe distance – 3 or 4 seconds worth – between you and motorcyclists, and always be mindful of pedestrians or bicyclists.
Store an emergency roadside kit.
Don’t drink and drive.
Avoid distraction. Distracted driving can be anything that pulls your attention away from driving, including cell phone use, texting while driving, eating, drinking, and using in-vehicle technologies and portable electronic devices.
Observe “Move Over” Laws. Move over and change lanes to give safe clearance to law enforcement officers assisting motorists on the side of the road. It’s the law in all 50 states.