Local Light Display Generates Heartwarming Act of Kindness in East Fishkill
What started as a couple of 'young local entrepreneurs' putting a giant illuminated American flag on one of their front lawns for the holidays, has since turned into a $600 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project.
A recent post in the East Fishkill Community Forum Facebook group caught a lot of attention lately as a result of an anonymous act of kindness.
In the post, a local resident shared the following:
If you drive down Rt 82 you really can’t miss the giant illuminated American flag. That’s my buddy’s house and this letter was dropped off anonymously in his mail box and I just thought it was to good too not be shared. The money that was left with the note has been donated to the Wounded Warrior Project with a matched contribution and I just really hope the person/people involved are a part of this group. We were extremely moved by your generosity (also very impressed with your hand writing lol).
While the two local residents responsible for assembling the flag display in East Fishkill would prefer to remain anonymous, the story and feel-good act of kindness is one that should definitely be shared.
In speaking with one of the residents, he shared that they decided to turn the bushes in his buddy's front yard into a giant American flag, and then had debated about whether or not to take the lights down after the holidays. Upon returning home one day, the person who owns the home where the flag display is, found the thank you note along with $300. It was then decided that the lights would remain on year-round.
The $300 was donated to the Wounded Warrior Project along with a matched donation from the 'local entrepreneurs' as they referred to themselves.
A generous gesture, along with the kind words shared in the note, certainly reinforces the idea that you never know the impact that your actions can have on those around you.
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