The movie Exorcist has been known since 1973 as not only a scary movie, but the one also in which Linda Blair's head spins around and the scene with the vomit. Most people only know this as a movie but it is a movie that is based on a book.

The book was written by William Peter Blatty and released in 1971. Have you read the book? There is a Fiction to Film group that is based out the Oblong Bookstore, this months selection is (fitting for the month of October) The Exorcist. To be a part of the group, you need to simply read the book and then see the movie at Upstate Films in Rhinebeck on October 28, 2018 at 8pm. To join in the movie viewing, you will need to purchase a ticket.

For more information about participating in the October Exorcist Fiction to Film event, click here for details on purchasing your ticket.

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