If you have purchased Infants' Tylenol between October 3, 2014 and as recently as January 6, 2020, in the United States, you may have some cash coming your way.

There's a class action lawsuit regarding the packaging and advertising of Infants' Tylenol, as

the plaintiffs in the lawsuit claim that the Infants’ Tylenol packaging (the text “Infants” and a picture of a mother holding her baby) deceives consumers into believing Infants’ Tylenol is unique/ specially formulated for infants, when the bottle contains liquid acetaminophen of the same concentration in Children’s Tylenol, and therefore causes consumers to overpay for Infants’ Tylenol.  Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. ("JJCI") denies all the plaintiffs’ allegations of deception and asserts that the safety features of Infants’ Tylenol, especially the accompanying syringe for safe dosing of very young children, means Infants’ and Children’s are different products.

This according to a recently issued press release.

As a first time parent I was absolutely guilty of only buying, and using products that were specifically geared towards infants, checking with the pediatrician and doing a ton of dosing research before giving my daughter any medication.

The press release goes on to explain that a maximum of 7 bottles can be claimed, for a total of $15.05 in settlement fees, $2.15 for every 1 or 2 fl. oz bottle purchased during the specified time frame.  If you have proof of purchase for the products, an unlimited number of bottles can be claimed.

In addition, there will be some package modifications to better inform consumers of the differences between the medications for infants and children.