Is it Time to Re-certify Your Pistol Permit?
If you have a pistol or revolver license, the New York State SAFE Act requires that you re-certify every five years in order to keep your license. Which means, that if you have a license issued before January 15, 2013, you have until January 31, 2018 to submit your application for re-certification.
If you are the type of person who needs reminders about deadlines, you may not get one from the state, you are responsible to make sure you complete the recertification on-time, otherwise, your license will be revoked.
To get the process started, click here. If you’d rather write it out, you can print a copy of the application here and mail it to New York State Police, Pistol Permit Bureau, Building 22, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12226-2252. It’s also recommended that if you do mail it in, please send it certified with receipt requested.
While the New York State Police direct this program, if you need help you can call your County Clerk’s office. For instance, the staff in Sullivan County can help answer questions and assist you in the process. Any questions, call 1-855-529-4867.
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