I Don’t Think Sexting is Cheating and Here’s Why
Jenny from the block is about to shop.
Did anyone really thought these two would last forever?
It's definitely wrong but is it really the same as being physically intimate with someone different than your significant other?
The world was rocked when we found out that America's couple broke up. Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez split up recently. According to Gossip Cop, It is speculated that breakup was caused because A-Rod may or may not have a sexting addiction.
What is sexting? According to Urban Dictionary, Sexting is the act of getting someone aroused with explicit or suggestive photos or texts.
I guess it really depends on what you definition of cheating is. Is suggestion really cheating?
One definition of an affair refers to it as having a sexual relationship. Is sexting really a sexual a relationship even if you're not physically intimate? In a way couldn't it be considered to be in the same category as pornography?
I'm not saying that what A-Rod did was acceptable but can you really call him a cheater if he didn't physically act on it?
I feel like sexting is a more extreme form of flirting. Do you consider flirting with someone cheating?
What do you think? Is sexting really cheating? I'm not asking if you think it's appropriate or not but I believe you'd be able to forgive a partner sending suggestive photos to someone else much easier than if they were physically intimate with someone else.
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