The Other Astonishing Thing You Could See during the Eclipse
Excitement is building as April 8th, 2024 draws closer. Everyone is making a plan to view the Solar Eclipse.
New York State has programs they have rolled out with the I Love NY campaign that will include maps, viewing glasses, and vacation hot spot ideas. I am thinking, however, that if you don't already have your plans made it might be too late to find a hotel room in the direct path but who knows I may be wrong.
New York State Plans Eclipse Viewing for April 8, 2024
Watching the eclipse is going to be exciting. I remember watching the last one that took place in August of 2017. I got to watch it in New Paltz. I will warn you in the beginning when it first starts happening it will feel like forever but once the actual eclipse is total it will be well worth the wait.
SEE ALSO: Hudson Valley Schools Dismiss Early or Close for Eclipse
SEE ALSO: Kingston Candy Store Sells Moon Pies for Eclipse
Just about everywhere you go right now you are hearing about the eclipse. Some people have made plans to travel to watch it, others will stay in the Hudson Valley and view it from our angle. Not everyone can take a Monday off right after Spring break at the beginning of April.
How to Watch the Devil Comet in New York
No matter where you choose to view the eclipse there is another celestial event you might want to catch. It is happening right now. It is visible now in the night sky. It will be visible during the eclipse and pretty much through the middle of April 2024. Have you heard of the Devil's Comet?
Its official name is Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks and according to NASA it is on its closest approach to the sun right now. It has a 71-year orbit. It will be bright enough to watch through Telescopes, binoculars, and even the naked eye if it is dark enough.
SEE ALSO: Safety Tips for Watching the Eclipse
SEE ALSO: Monstrous "Devil" Comet Swings by Earth

The Total Eclipse Accessories Made For Upstate New Yorkers
Gallery Credit: Brian Cody TSM Albany
The Top 7 Solar Eclipse Controversies
Gallery Credit: Devon Brosnan