The annual "Shut Up And Take My Money" festival has come and gone, with E3 having given us a taste of video games to come. Lots of great news and features came out during the expo (backwards XBox 360 compatibility!) but the star of the show is always the games announced.

I'm certain we could all write several pages on what we're excited about, but I decided to narrow it down to the top 5 games I'll have to be saving up for.

#5: Horizon Zero Dawn

New player on the scene. Love the storyline. Love the look. Love the way the gameplay looks like it might be something outrageous.

#4: Dishonored 2

I gotta be honest. I flipped a coin to see if this would go #3 or #4. I loved the original that much.

#3: Star Wars Battlefront

Seriously. It's Star Wars.

#2: Fallout 4

Fallout 3 consumed my life for 8 months. I'm a little afraid to get this game, but I'm more afraid not to.

#1: Mass Effect: Andromeda

I've recently done some deep soul searching, and concluded that Mass Effect is my favorite gaming series of all time. Final Fantasy, Super Mario Brothers, whatever. Mass Effect felt like I was more a part of a freaking soap opera than I was playing a video game. And I mean that in the best way possible. I've literally already started saving money so I can buy whatever study special gaming console/set this thing will launch with.