Orange County Celtic Band Releases Christmas Album
Emish is well known folk rock band from Orange County. This past Saturday they released a new album for this years holiday season. According to an article on this album has been in the making for 5 years.
The new album is called "Everlasting" and will feature 12 separate tracks. It takes traditional songs with a modern arrangement and they add their trademark celtic twist.
Emish has been a band since it's inception in 2005. They've toured across the country performing at countless music festivals.
According to the band's Facebook page "Their high energy, live performances and distinct sound have catapulted Emish to be a sought-out headlining act at major festivals and concerts across the US, including the likes of Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Folk & Irish festivals, as well as, the more intimate setting of theaters or small concert settings."
More information about Emish and their new album can be found on their website