Test Your ’90’s Knowledge With Me & Win
We are a few days into the new year and I've noticed a some new names in the trivia game, so I figured i'd welcome you, and invite everyone else to join in on the fun too!
Every weekday at 12pm we kick it back to the most awesome decade ever, the '90's. I play tons of your favorite '90's tunes, reminisce about 'the good ol' days' - the fashion, movies, tv shows, the weird things we used to do back then, all of it. We then take it to the next level by putting your '90's knowledge to the test with trivia.
Playing along is simple, here's how it works:
- Make sure you're listening around 12:30pm each weekday. I'll give the trivia question out over the air.
- You send me your response using the WRRV mobile app (click for more info if you aren't an app user). Just click on the button that says 'app chat' and send me a message in the studio.
- I take responses until 1pm and then select one at random from the correct answers and hook you up with a prize!
- Make sure you are checking the app, i'll respond to your message and ask for your information so we can get you the prize, you wouldn't want to miss out by not responding to a message, right?
All this week I have your chance to score passes for Hudson Valley Wing Wars, February 1st at the Orange County Fairgrounds Arena!
Think you know your '90's? Prove it!