Think Of Your Cans! Winter Garbage Can Placement Details
Tell me you've found yourself in a similar situation:
It's garbage night. It's cold outside. There's snow on the lawn. You're dragging the giant frost covered bins, while in your pajamas, down the driveway and attempting to hoist them over a snow mound while your neighbors watch from the window and laugh...
Come on, admit it.
With winter here and snow on the ground, figured we might as well talk about proper can placement, garbage can placement that is.
The East Fishkill Highway Department recently sent out their yearly reminder about where to place your garbage cans during winter, and it may surprise you. It is recommended that garbage cans be placed at least three to five feet off the edge of the pavement into your driveway. Avoid placing them on top of snow piles. Even though garbage trucks have those big hydraulic arms that can grab the cans, it is important that we follow these guidelines.
During the winter months, I'm sure we all find it tricky to navigate some Hudson Valley roads, but just think about those giant snowplows trying to get through our roadways. Now add garbage cans in front of people's driveways or front lawns, taking up part of the road. Keeping your cans the recommended three to five feet back will help snow plows do what they need to do without damaging your cans.
Keep in mind, the local highway departments are not responsible for damaged garbage cans.
Side note, and word of advice from personal experience, just remember that the cans may be taking up more of your driveway than you are used to...because you will be responsible for damaging your own garbage cans if you hit them while backing out of your driveway - just saying.
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