Want to be way cooler than Paul Blart Mall Cop? Not that you would have to try so hard to reach that magic accomplishment, but here is an idea that is going into Kickstarter mode in October, it's call the "WalkCar".

It has the mobility of a skateboard, with the portability of a textbook. A Japanese company, "Cocoa Motors" has unveiled a new device that is designed to fit into your backpack when you are not using it. The gadget weighs about six pounds and can reach whopping speeds of six-miles-per-hour.  Allegedly, the WalkCar" can be steered by simply leaning in the direction you want to go, similar to the Segway. So you are going at a nice six-mile-per-hour pace, how do you stop? Simply step off the "machine". The device is electric and able to support up to about 265 pounds.

Here is a look at the new device: