On Saturday, February 24th, Jack White earned himself a coveted spot in Saturday Night Live's iconic Five-Timers Club. Long-time cast member Kennan Thompson bestowed the jacket upon Jack in the closing moments of the show, as fellow Five-Timer Scarlet Johansson presented host Woody Harrelson his jacket.

What is The Five-Timers Club?

The Five-Timers Club is a group of performers who have typically hosted SNL at least five times. The first time the club was referenced was on December 8th, 1990 when Tom Hanks was hosting. The episode featured him in a sketch alongside other Five-Timers Steve Martin, Elliott Gould, and Paul Simon. The Five-Timers Club has become a recurring sketch ever since, anointing the likes of Alec Baldwin, John Goodman, Dwayne Johnson, Tina Fey, Melissa McCarthy, Candice Bergen, and many more.

Jack White and Woody Harrelson Receive Five-Timers Jackets

Jack White is now one of twenty-five people to receive the honor of being a Five-Timer. Out of the 25 musicians, White joins only three other musicians: Paul Simon, Sting, and Justin Timberlake. Each of the other musicians have hosted before along with being a musical guest. Jack White is the first musician to receive the jacket without ever hosting SNL, to my knowledge and research. There have been others with many appearances, but have not been yet confirmed if they are members of the Five-Timers Club or not.

Before watching Jack White's latest performances on Saturday Night Live, let's stroll back to see his prior performances.

First Appearance: October 19th 2002

2002 saw Jack White's first appearance on the show as he performed with The White Stripes. Senator John McCain hosted the third episode of Season 28. This was the only musical guest appearance for The White Stripes and the only hosting stint on SNL for John McCain. The White Stripes performed "Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground," and "We're Going to be Friends."

Second Appearance: March 3rd, 2012

Jack White's return to SNL came in the show's 37th season. The show was hosted by Lindsay Lohan (her fourth time hosting), and was White's solo musical debut on SNL. White performed "Love Interruption" and "Sixteen Saltines." SNL has not uploaded the performances from that episode on their YouTube channel, but you can enjoy these renditions.

Third Appearance: April 14th, 2018

In 2018, Jack White performed "Over and Over and Over" and "Connected by Love" on Saturday Night Live. The episode marked the hosting debut of Five-Timer-To-Be, John Mulaney, who had been a writer on the show for years.

Fourth Appearance: October 10th, 2020

Jack White's fourth appearance came in 2020 during a controversial episode. Country singer Morgan Wallen was originally supposed to perform  as musical guest, but was dropped when videos of him surfaced showing him partying without taking COVID precautions. A day before the show, October 9th, 2020, it was announced that Jack White would perform instead. The was hosted by Bill Bur, who made his hosting debut.

This episode was the first time that Jack White performed a medley of songs. His first performance of night was a medley of "Ball and Biscuit, "Don't Hurt Yourself," and "Jesus is Coming Soon." His second performance of the night was "Lazaretto."

Fifth Appearance: February 25th, 2023

In Jack White's epic fifth appearance, he performed a medley of his 2021 hit "Taking Me Back" and his 2022 track "Fear of the Dawn." He followed that up with "A Tip From You to Me" from his album, Entering Heaven Alive. 

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